Feel free to call, email, or contact us with any questions you may have.
Normal hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
After-hours support is based on your maintenance and support contract.
In the event of an outage, systems failure, or other severe problems, CISS does provide immediate attention after hours and on weekends if necessary. Support can be provided over the phone, via email, and through remote desktop or remote assistance using various software packages.
Normal Support: will be done during regular office hours and maintenance consists of the following:
Availability: CISS’s regular office hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm EST excluding national holidays. Normal support and maintenance will be done during these hours via telephone, email, or remote assistance tools.
Billable Support: For emergency work, that is Client approved, CISS charges $160/hour. The fee for travel time (if required) is variable based on distance and expenses (car, hotel, airfare, and meals). Emergency work is defined as:
Support is included in cloud packages hosted with CISS. For Self-Hosted systems, our maintenance fee is either $1250 per year or 15% of the license and any customization; whichever is greater. CISS will tailor a custom support plan to meet your exact needs if necessary. If you elect not to pay this maintenance fee and require our support, we charge an hourly rate with a one-hour minimum per incident. For more details see the link below
Learn more about Inventory Pro and our capabilities. From small business to industrial warehousing, our software can scale and adapt to various industries.